Medical Field: Neurology
Award: Finalist
Country: Slovenia
Year: 2022
Research Work: Continuous Dopaminergic Stimulation Improves Cortical Maladaptive Changes in Advanced Parkinson’s Disease
Published in: Movement Disorders

In principle, all researchers believe that when we embark on a study, we are contributing something to science or adding a small stone to a complete mosaic. But be that as it may, when you get an outside recognition, it can really be an additional confirmation that you are on the right track.


Kaja Kolmančič, MD, PhD, is a Resident in Nuclear Medicine at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is interested in neurodegenerative diseases and has broadened her knowledge at the Coimbra University Hospital, Portugal, and at the National Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Research & Surveillance Unit in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Her interest in biology and study of the human body began already in high school. The dynamic work, new everyday challenges and her curiosity led her to pursue a path as a young researcher also at the Institute for Pathophysiology in Ljubljana.

Kaja Kolmančič, MD, PhD, has obtained her PhD in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, specifically Parkinson’s disease. Her submitted research also focused on Parkinson’s disease, its complications and their treatment.

We were interested in whether the transition from pulsatile to continuous therapy with intrajejunal infusion of levodopa gel (IIGL) could improve the motor complications of the disease. The IIGL restored the impaired response to the plasticity protocol along with improvement in motor complications. A continuous form of therapy can correct the maladaptive plastic changes associated with pulsed dopaminergic treatment.

Performing clinical work and research requires a lot of sacrifice and takes up almost all of her free time. To reenergize and motivate herself, Kaja Kolmančič, MD, PhD, likes to do sports and brainstorm with people which always gives her new and fresh ideas for her work.