Medical Field: Gastroenterology
Award: Winner
Country: Austria
Year: 2023
Research Work: Dynamics in Liver Stiffness Measurements Predict Outcomes in Advanced Chronic Liver Disease
Published in: Gastroenterology

This award represents a momentous occasion to pause and reflect on our contributions. It is a celebration of the strides we have made in improving patient care through biomedical research.


David JM Bauer, MD, specialized in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Medical University of Vienna and is currently working at the Department for Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Klinik Ottakring in Vienna, Austria.

Bauer attended the Medical University of Vienna. His academic journey also extended beyond studying medicine, as he was actively engaged in biomedical research as a Vienna Liver Study Group member. This involvement later evolved into a Ph.D. program, which he is currently completing.

His current research focuses on the use of ultrasound-elastography, a promising technique in diagnosing and determining the prognosis of chronic liver disease. Liver elastography has emerged as a pivotal tool in contemporary hepatology. Its ability to diagnose liver fibrosis and assess fibrosis severity has significantly minimized the reliance on liver biopsies. Unlike liver biopsy, elastography offers a non-invasive and repeatable method for assessing liver disease.

Our research shows that using multiple measurements over time significantly improves the accuracy of liver elastography predictions compared to single measurements or changes in lab markers. This advancement allows medical professionals to clearly illustrate the effects of interventions like medications, weight loss, or alcohol cessation to patients. It also provides a stronger and personalized foundation for medical recommendations based on better risk estimations.

Bauer is seamlessly integrating biomedical research into his personal interests rather than viewing it as a separate, work-related endeavor.